Windows Server 2012 Server Core DirectAccess Appliance

Hello Friends,

Iron Networks, previously known as nAppliance Networks has recently launched the new Windows Server 2012 DirectAccess Appliance. Myself with other engineers @Iron Networks have developed this appliance to work in secure networks by reducing the amount of restarts the appliance needs and pre-hardening the operating system. The appliance runsĀ on Server 2012 Server Core and provides a command line interface to run the PowerShell cmdlets.

Visit our website at for contact information.


Bye Bye Forefront

Hello Friends,

Since Forefront is kind of fading away, so I am shifting my focus more onto the Windows Server 2012 DirectAccess technology and related feature sets. I will not be posting any further Forefront UAG or TMG posts in future. My focus now will be Windows Server 2012.

I hope my posts on Windows Server 2012 will help you as much as UAG or TMG ones did in the past.

Thank You.

Cheers !!